Thursday, September 4, 2008

Last Family name History Of Patels

Patidar (Patel) is Indian last name of some hindu caste(i.e according to Hindu Caste System).
Patel is common family name found among Hindus orignating from Gujarat.
Patel represents some of castes which are predominant in Gujarat,who are agriculturalist or Land Owners.
This Surname is also found in other states of India like Rajasthan,Maharastra,Madya-Pradesh
And Uttar-Pradesh.
Last Name History
Indian (Gujarat,Maharastra,Karnataka) : Hindu and Parsi name which goes back to an official title,Which means “Village Headman”(The Main Head Of Village),Patel in Gujarati,Marathi and Kannad (where it is PA-TELA).It is originated from Sanskrit word “pa-t-takila”,Which means “The tenant of Royal Land”.
“Patta” is a flat surface for writing,Which was often used for Royal Commands and Declarations.
Patel was Title of a Local Officer appointed by the Ruler(King).
The name Patel is nowadays used for several communities involved in agriculture (basically farming).They are also Called “Kunbi”,This word is originated from Sanskrit word “Kautambika”,Which means the chief of the Land.It was first found in a Buddhist inscription by Maitraka King in Gujarat.
Every village had its own headman who collected the crops for the ruler (king) and this headman also kept records of the “Patt”,Which means a “log book”,So this headman was called “Patlikh”,This name was shortend to “Patal”and then to “Patel”.

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